Posted On: 25-01-2023
The essence of Downtown Dubai with a noticeable outlook and thrilling activities to enjoy is best known for Sky Views Dubai.
visualize wandering up above with a bird’s viewpoint on the magnificent Dubai beauties. Sum up to that an objective of At the top Burj Khalifa! Exhilarate and tremendous, exactly?
Glide and enjoy the horizons from the 53rd level of a glass-protected edifice or promenade along a perimeter virtually 220 meters over the floor. Having no windows or distinct impediments in your manner? Inferring that conveys your epinephrine, put up with a journey to Sky Views in Dubai city straight away!
The Sky View Observatory is a current but presently well-known scenery in Downtown Dubai. You can foresee long tagging strings here.
A token to the Sky Observatory comprises the top Glass Slide understanding and charges are AED 70 for adults, where AED 90 at the evening. On the other side for kids, it costs AED 60, and the age must exist from 3 to 16 years (AED 70 for everyone likewise). However, if you want to know about Sky Walk insight. Then the ticket's price is AED 699 comprising security education and all equipment.
Furthermore, an ultra-modern rostrum relates to the Lecture top View Towers. That is the 50-level clone construction near Dubai across from At the top - Burj Khalifa.
Sky Views Dubai is a flawless instance of unprecedented engineering. It is skilled by a highly-learned squad of about 300 engineers. Besides, the structure and composition professionals. It was conceived by multiple of the exact designers who assembled the notorious Burj Khalifa.
Considerable populace explore Sky Views Dubai in the evening time. That is for utterly lovely sights of the cityscape as the daylight proceeds down.
Sum up a spray of things happening to your journey to the city with The Edge SkyWalk. The EdgeWalk isn’t for the soft-hearted, for you stroll should be hands-free along the perimeter of the configuration’s 53rd floor. You’re 220 meters on the floor level. It is ascending beyond the layout. This is the movement thrill lovers aspired to endeavor!
As you disobey gravity, confirm you immerse the elating outlooks on Dubai’s effervescent horizon. From what I know the Burj Khalifa is placed out in discrepancy to everything else! With not a thing among you and the standpoints except for a small amount of air. This puts up with thrill-pursuing to a higher class.
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The Sky Views Observatory is over 219.5 meters above the UAE's golden city. It has a 25-meter-long floor with glass. That nourishes astonishing perspectives of the city below. Grab the views from an extensive elevator with a glass floor on 2+ sides.
Appreciate a conveyance on the Glass Slide from outdoors. They convey sightseer in a diaphanous glass tube from decks 53 to 52.
The unbroken occasion contains a top Walk of about 30 minutes. Besides a single-time Glass Slide slide. Along with each different slide pricing is AED 25.
Crystallizing an outlook, a walk, and a glass slide along the perimeter of the layout. Besides a feast with a perspective, there is a lot to foresee at Sky Views Dubai. Fetch your amount of thrill with the glass slide. As well as, slide your manner from the 53rd story to the 52nd story building in a jiff.
The extraordinary Sky Slide will have you going on back for another trial. Travelers enter via a clear tube. That meanders around the outdoors of the lookout, linking floors 53 and 52.
The top Slide is brought in 12m-long four-fold covered glass sheets. They are custom-built in Germany. If you're brave enough to open your eyes, you’ll be awarded eye-catching perspectives of the city’s horizons. It is suggested to dock at least 20 to 30 minutes early of time.
The Weight limit must be 30 kg to 120 kg. Meanwhile, the Height limit must be 135 cm to 200 cm. The requirement for Ages is from 12 to 65 years. Also, those below 18 years of age show parental permission in person.
Pricking for additional knowledge? Correct your access to assimilate the always-fascinating Edge Walk. That’s true, it’s strictly what it looks like. Stroll hands-free on a perimeter of 219.5 meters on the ground. Before you depart, the trip into any of the innumerable cafeterias in the observatory to refuel.
Address: 53rd level of the Sky View Hotel
Elevation: 220 meters over the ground floor
Best time to visit: Evening or Night Time
Best Transport to travel: Metro
Price: AED 699
Understanding the picturesque and bewitching city of Gold from the heavens. Must enjoy your trip of Sky Views Dubai.